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Before diving straight into the answers of the game Wordscapes, we encourage you to try and master the gameplay tricks on your own. You can make an effort on your own, by learning how to to solve wordscapes levels by your own. It’s always more enjoyable when you’ve figured it out on your own.
You can play Wordscapes on Android or iOS devices unlimitedly, all hours of the day.
Bow let’s see How to Play Wordscapes
Naturally, the first thing you’ll need to do to play Wordscapes is to get the game itself. You can download it as we mentioned earlier on Playstore and on Ios.
Then, The excitement begins. You will be welcomed by a joyful landscape in the background. You tap play. Here, Your long-lasting journey in Wordscapes will start.
Don’t worry, it’s actually fairly straightforward, at least in some ways. You’ll be given a wheel of letters, and you’ll have to figure out how to make words out of them. You submit the words to the Crossword-Puzzle-like grid once you’ve figured out what words you can make with the letters provided, and that’s just the beginning.
Follow these steps to play Wordscapes:
- Open the Wordscapes app.
- Tap on the level number in the middle of your screen : You’ll see that the screen is organized in two main sections: the crossword puzzle-like board in the top half and the tray with the letters to swipe in the bottom half.
- Connect the lettres and form words, swipe between them. These words must be at least three lettter long. If the word is required in the puzzle, it’ll feature in its place. If you find a valid word and it doesn’t appear on the board, this means that it is counted as a bonus word. These earn you bonus coins.
- Use the Shuffle button when you’re blocked in the puzzle for the first time.
- Use power-ups such : Lightbulb or Bullseye if your blockage persists.
- Use coins to buy more power-ups or hints when you are totally blocked.
- The level is complete when you find all the answers and completely fill the puzzle.
Wordscapes Tips and Tricks
The following are the most significant useful Wordscapes tricks.
Play for the longest word first
Like a crossword puzzle, often the longer a word is, the more letters it pops into the other words. With a little luck, you can work out an entire puzzle in one big play. Leverage that interconnectedness in your favor.
Work Smarter! You can solve the whole puzzle in one super move. May the interrelation be in your favor 🙂
Play What you see
Write the easier words, the word that you can see right away. When you first start the puzzle, the easy words you fill in at this point will provide clues for more difficult words down the line.
Opposite to the previous trick, we advise you to pick the easy, obvious words that you see from the first glance. For example, these words include typical three-letter words such as CAT-ACT with adding an S if available. This will help you fill the crossword immediately without the need to look at the puzzles.
These evident words put everywhere on the puzzle will be your guide for the toughest words down the line.
Engage the grammar ( singular, plural… )
If a singular word doesn’t work, try plural. If a plural word doesn’t work, try singular. Even when the singular word works, always try the plural if you’ve got an S.
Likewise with the other way around. CUP could be CUPS, just as HATS could be HAT.
As far as verbs are concerned, conjugation can be your weapon. You can rely on verb suffixes like an –ed, an -ing, or an -S. For example, Travel may also produce Travel, traveling, travels.
Shuffle the Letters
You may get blocked and puzzled looking at the letters helplessly. Letters are in front of you organized but you can’t help but to stare at them. You may also form the same words over and over again.
Your survival here may be in one solution: Just Shuffle the Letters. Shuffling the letters gives you another outlook for the letters. You will see letters from another angle which helps you to detect new words. Fortunately, shuffling is free and it does not cost any coins.
Take It Easy
There is no time limit for Wordscapes puzzles. If you are stuck for a word, sometimes the best strategy is to set the game aside so your mind can recharge. You may discover that when you return, you will see your missing word right away.
Wordscapes is not about being the fastest. There is no trophy for the fastest solver or a time limit to oblige you to find words in certain timing. Take Your Time! Relax! If you are struggling in a level, you may put the game away. This will refresh your mind.
If you come back, you will realize that you missed some easy words. However, if you are in a rush and you want to solve more and more levels, you can always check our answers archives.
What are Wordscapes power-ups and how to use them ?
There is a set of widgets surrounding the wheel : Shuffle, Bullseye, Lightbulb, Rocket Pop and Spelling Bee.
What are they used for ?
Shuffle rearranges the letters. The Bullseye in Wordscapes allows you to reveal a choosen square letter in the puzzle. A random letter is revealed by the lightbulb. Same for the Rocket Pop but reveals random various letters. The Spelling Bee, reveals letters and drops coins.
Make the most of playing Wordscapes by Teaming :
Just take a look at the bottom-middle of the screen. You will see a button or let’s say a blank logo. Tap it! You will access the new ‘team’ area. In this window, you can join, create, or search for a team.
Teams help you to socialize with your friends and to make new ones around the world. Moreover, Teammates lift each other by requesting hints and co-compete against other teams in Wordscapes Weekend Tournament.
Winning Wordscapes Tournaments:
Individual Star Tournaments put you against 99 other players from around the world. Teams compete in team tournaments. Every weekend, Wordscapes competitions typically run from Friday evening to Sunday evening. When you are able to enter, tournament icons display on the left side of the main screen.
In both cases, the goal is to collect as many stars as possible. Every word you play on a regular level earns you a star, including bonus words, but not the Wordscapes daily puzzle. Players and teams with the most stars at the end of the competition receive awards such as coins and crowns.
In other words, Players compete in the Wordscapes Tournament every weekend! Each word and bonus word you land during the Tournament will contribute to your overall score.
Teams at the top of the leaderboard will receive awards at the end of the Team Tournament. The prize for the team tournament is split among 50 teammates. Coins and crown coins are among the prizes.
Master Levels
You should have little trouble rearranging the letters of CTA to produce the word ACT in the early levels of Wordscapes. Perhaps finding the word SPICY with the letters YCRPIS took you a bit longer. However, as you reach the Wordscapes Master levels, beginning with level 6001, you’ll be in for a considerably tougher struggle!
The Wordscapes Leaderboard displays a ranked list of Brilliance scores from all across the world, as well as from your own neighborhood. You can also see a Leaderboard of your Facebook friends who also play Wordscapes if you’re linked to Facebook (and are connected to Facebook as well).
Every month, the Wordscapes Leaderboard is reset.
We hope that our support pushed you to advanced levels.
Enjoy !