This is where I thought interesting to compile all the links that may help your navigation through the game. You Will find in this topic the answers of Words More for the following solved level : Level 1290 .
Words More Level 1290 . Answers :
___ a time (common story opening phrase)
14-day period
A chess opening in which a player sacrifices a pawn or minor piece
A proposal may be made on it
A sensation of coldness often accompanied by shivering
A supply of goods or materials kept on hand for sale or use
Battlefields of will
Bids farewell to what was once familiar
Chef’s mastery
Combines or incorporates something with something else
Concludes or finishes
Confront obstacles with fierce determination
Descend direction
Dual’s combination
Estimate or speculate about something without complete knowledge or evidence
Fantasy creature known for making toys in Santa’s workshop
Feeling pleasure, joy, or delight
Flew from lips with purpose and resonance
Fourteen duration
Gamer’s companions
Hands clenched with the fingers curled inward, used for striking
Heart’s smile
Imaginary creatures that is typically large, ugly, and frightening
Input devices used for controlling video games or other electronic applications
Jave life
Life’s dance
Market’s heartbeat
Mind’s puzzle
Mythical’s creature
Nature’s towers
Nightmares’ creations
On position
Origami’s art
Physical altercation or struggle between individuals or groups
Prolongs or extends something in time or space
Pronoun used to refer to a group of people or things previously mentioned or easily identified
Raise young animals
Reach the pinnacle of success
Repairing or correcting something that is broken or not working properly
Repairing what is broken with skill and dedication
Serious disagreements or arguments
Speaker’s gift
Spoke or expressed something out loud
Strategist’s move
Stretches moments into eternity
Tall African mammals known for their long necks and spotted coats
The back part of something, especially a building or vehicle
The highest or uppermost point, part, or surface of something
The joint connecting the thigh bone and the shin bone in the human leg
The two of them together
Thing You Pass Down: Activities related to the arts
Thing You Pass Down: Culinary formula
Thing You Pass Down: Hand-make
Thing You Pass Down: It’s often rewritten
Thing You Pass Down: Musical track
Thing You Pass Down: Wisdom, understanding
To bend something over on itself so that one part covers another
To cease to be visible or present
To move something or cause something to move downwards
To speak or express something aloud
Vanish in the blink of an eye
Warrior’s weapons
Way of cooking meat using dry heat in an oven or over an open flame
Winter’s breath
For the same game, I would also like to add additional and more support here: Words More Level 1291
Please remember that I’ll always mention the master topic of the game : Words More Answers .
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