This is where I thought interesting to compile all the links that may help your navigation through the game. You Will find in this topic the answers of Word Lanes for the pack of clues Level 44
Word Lanes 44 Answers :
- __ box, UK bright red mail collection container
- __ box; chocolate variety pack Christmas gift
- __ boxing, throwing air punches as practice
- __ Boy, atomic superhero sidekick in The Simpsons
- __ Boy, codename for the bomb that hit Hiroshima
- __ Boyd, model, and wife of Harrison and Clapton
- __ Boys, Fight for Your Right trio
- __ Boys, jukebox musical about Frankie Valli
- __ Boys, Scottish artistic group of rural painters
- __ bra, supportive garment for physical exercise
- __ bra, worn by breastfeeding mothers
- __ brag, game where you bet on what you are dealt
- __ Brando, The Godfather’s star
- __ Brasco, Pacino and Depp thriller
- __ brass means you have some front
For the same game, I would also like to add additional and more info here:
Word Lanes Level 45
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