This is where I thought interesting to compile all the links that may help your navigation through the game. You Will find in this topic the answers of Word Hike TV show! Level 5. Pick up your clue and find the answer in its dedicated topic.
Word Hike TV show! Level 5 Answers :
- Brought to a stop or paused temporarily
- Informal expression used to indicate agreement or confirmation
- Formerly famous person
- Name of a popular Simpsons character
- Blue … hairstyle: Marge’s signature accessory in The Simpsons
- Reject someone’s advances
- Dried coconut meat used for oil
- What we breathe
- Sign of approval
- Steep cliff or slope
- Confuse or muddle
- The family’s baby with a unique hairstyle in The Simpsons
- Lisa’s musical instrument of choice in The Simpsons
- Beneficial or healthy for one’s well-being
- State of being firmly fixed or established
- Place where something flourishes or grows quickly
- Earthy yellow-brown color
- Bagel topping morsel
- Bart’s best friend and partner in pranks in The Simpsons
- Homer’s favorite catchphrase in The Simpsons
- Doctoral degree in philosophy
- Homer’s favorite hangout spot in The Simpsons
- It makes noise when hit together
- Dance style from the 60s
- Powers vehicles and machinery
- Celestial body with a tail
- Springfield’s police chief in The Simpsons
- Expression of confusion
- Group of people posed for a picture or performance
- Socially awkward person
- Organic material used to enrich soil
- Latin word for “hail” or “welcome”
- Collection of art and antiques
- Springfield’s resident villain and Homer’s nemesis in The Simpsons
- Backside of an animal
- Verse form with 12 syllables per line
- Food item often used in baking
- Determine position by measuring angles
- Groups sent to represent a larger organization
- Hopes and ambitions
- Twice as much or divided in two
- Brutalize with force
- Endow with a gift
- Force to act
- Watching something
- Lying flat or face-down
- Make new again
- Skilled at something
- Total amount
For the same game, I would also like to add additional and more info here:
Word Hike TV show! Level 6
Please remember that I’ll always mention the master topic of the themed pack of the game : Word Hike Themed Packs Answers.
I try to take care of every tiny detail to ensure that eveybody find its needs here, and love to be a part of it. I tried to cover as much as I could but if you still have a question in your mind feel free to give a comment before to go to sleep.