- V1 :
- A domestic canine that is put in a new home after being abused and neglected
- Description of a cutthroat world
- Diverse selections
- Draws attention from
- Even-toed ruminant species indigenous to Africa and Eurasia
- Laptop that only runs Google software
- Located on a peak
- Makes a “tick tick” as it goes around a timepiece
- Population growth factor
- Slang for mischievous, dishonest activity
- Top of the line
- What is this job?
- A flat-bottomed skillet for cooking food in hot oil
- A list of all the recordings made by a particular artist or group
- A round yellow legume, also known as garbanzo bean
- Designates as inaccessible
- Diminishes the worth or value of something
- If something is pleasantly calm or peaceful, it is this
- Learns something by heart
- Manuals that explain how to operate a machine
- Metal rods that keep a bicycle supported when not in use
- Money that is paid back to someone after they have paid too much
- One who teaches people new skills, e.g. driving
- Plastic discs thrown between people as a game
- Someone who acts as a ______ helps people or organizations communicate and work together
- Something full of excitement, energy, and cheerfulness is this
- Something lacking excitement and attractive qualities is this
- The act of taking up a position of power, especially as the ruler of a country
- To detest something very much
- To stab or pierce someone
V2 :