- V1 :
- 1978 comedy film about college frats that features the song “Shout”
- Direct competition
- Flash’s counterpart in the Marvel universe
- Frequent spoiler
- Gaps of time between events
- Homer’s religious neighbor in “The Simpsons”
- Measure of the rooms in use at a hotel
- The Kardashians is this type of program
- Type of sofa that can be divided into chairs
- What is this manual car part?
- A slang expression used to ask someone to be calm
- An outdoor area surrounded by a housing complex
- Classifies into groups
- Descriptions containing technical information about a product
- Fashion brand identified by interlocking G’s
- Head of a traditional tribe
- Made a pattern of behavior instinctive
- Makes a fabric by interlacing threads
- Makes something move forward
- People who conciliate by giving in to demands
- Something, e.g. a document, that is no longer legally recognized is this
- Sparing for later use
- Sticks and stones can break my bones, but _____ will never hurt me
- These are a sign of a storm coming
- To remain in jail as required by one’s prison sentence
- Touched lightly and gently
V2 :