- V1 :
- _____ to _____, dust to dust
- A mystical figure who assisted King Arthur
- Caused someone to be totally bewildered
- Commences or starts off an action or activity
- Common horror film “line”
- Fake it ’til you ____ __
- Letter before Tau in the Greek alphabet
- To leave a space that was previously inhabited
- What is this kind of derived work?
- A large and heavy hammer
- A machine one stands in to darken their skin without being in the sun
- A professional visit made to one’s home by a doctor
- A situation that is changing as one’s trying to deal with it can be called a ______ ______
- A social event centered around edible goods from various vendors
- Deteriorating parts in the center of big urban areas
- If something causes stress or anxiety, it is this
- Indecent exposure of nakedness in social places
- Indicates something covertly or indirectly
- One spewing naughty language is this
- The most intimate and relaxed place is this
- Watched and directed the execution of a task
V2 :