- V1 :
- Act of trespassing onto someone’s property
- All Summer Long is a 1964 song by this US band
- A weakness or vulnerability in a person that can lead to one’s downfall
- Basketball player who plays in college for a single year before joining the NBA
- Championship series of the National Basketball Association
- Has potentially winning numbers printed on it
- In poker, an extreme show of confidence in your hand, or the ultimate bluff
- To get positioned
- TV personality Michael Sorrentino’s nickname from “Jersey Shore”
- What is this phrase meaning to decide later?
- A famous singer that performs music of a particular genre, for example, Lady Gaga or Taylor Swift
- A whale’s nostrils
- Broad roads in towns or cities, often with trees on the sides
- Credits given to purchase a vehicle
- Criticized someone harshly; suddenly attacked physically or verbally
- Elevates or boosts one’s mood
- Horizontal, parallel beams with different heights in women’s gymnastics
- Novels with three-dimensional pages
- People or things that are most preferred or liked
- People who deliberately set fire to buildings
- Reduction in an employee’s salary
- Rome is the capital of this country
- Someone who’s socially awkward and unsophisticated is this
- Special rights or advantages
- Tall, narrow building with a timepiece
- To dance to pop or rock music, informally
- To move back following a defeat
- To rest one’s body in a flat position
V2 :