- V1 :
- Actor starred as Lt. Tom “Iceman” Kazansky in the 1986 film “Top Gun”
- American restaurant chain that celebrates everyone’s favorite weekday
- Free Bird highlight
- How people are listed in a caption, usually
- Lines that pass through the centers of circles and touch the circumferences
- Of powder, have disappeared into water
- Pregnancy has 3 of theses periods
- Ring the bell to open it, maybe
- The nickname for the US Olympic basketball team from 1992
- What is this economics effect?
- A famous collection of world records
- A synthetic compound commonly used as an anesthetic in dentistry
- Earthenware
- One queueing in this position has the longest wait
- Preservation, protection, or restoration of the natural environment
- Reception for a politician or celebrity
- Reduced a solid substance to fine particles
- Rejection of all forms of government
- Removed a computer file from a hard drive
- Something separate and distinct is this
- Subway’s slogan
- Thirst quenchers
- To move and face the opposite direction
- Unique identifiers for broadcasters
- Unwanted place a romantically invested male may end up in after being rejected
V2 :