- V1 :
- A phrase indicating departure; “I should really ___ ___ ____, it’s a long drive”
- A published collection of writings or poems
- Most vehicles have at least two of these for entering and exiting
- Neck injury that commonly occurs in car accidents
- Not willing to change for anyone
- One who leaves their home country to live elsewhere
- People who come from San Juan and Ponce
- Professionals responsible for designing and testing buildings and machines
- Provided with the food necessary for growth and health
- The _____ ____ is a 1999 Tom Hanks film about a unusual death row inmate
- To listen in on a conversation without the participants knowing
- What is this important date in real estate?
- What kind of easy target is this?
- A crop circle might be found here
- A decline in economic activity
- A place that is very remote is in the middle of this
- A secondary advantage
- A surprisingly easy task, informally
- Acted in an disingenuous way
- Child’s four-wheeled vehicle
- Diet Pepsi’s competitor
- Engages in the business of buying and selling goods
- Having a droopy posture
- Hitting someone with the foot
- Level areas where aircraft can take off and land
- Massive timepieces one might find in old town squares
- Omitting some of the greatest qualities of a person or accomplishment
- People who make and repair barrels
- Phrases or expressions that have figurative meaning
- Profit made from the sale of property or an investment
- Rubbing lightly with a cloth or towel
- Secondary result of a chemical reaction
- Something that you might need to go to the store to for soon is this
- Space-time _________ is the fusion of the three spatial dimensions with time
- These are recorded and analyzed during an encephalogram
- Those who move from place to place to improve their living conditions
- Those who plan and oversee an event
- To restrict severely
V2 :