- V1 :
- __ ___ Go Away is an adaption of “Ne Me Quitte Pas” with lyrics by Rod McKuen
- A defensive wall with walking space on top
- Becomes a new resident of a home
- Gliding down a snowy mountain on a pair of long metal footwear
- Grumpy ___ ___ is a 1993 American comedy film about two elderly men and their rivalry
- Having been prevented from developing properly
- The ______ Games is a 2010’s movie series starring Jennifer Lawrence
- The rooster “cock-a-doodle-doos” and the hen “______”
- Unfit for a bullet wound
- What is this maintenance process?
- A law practitioner who has been this can no longer practice
- Became aware of, usually by seeing or hearing
- Biggest article placed on the front of a magazine
- Laundry item used to get rid of wetness
- Like dirty water
- Quality of calmness and tranquility
- Something dark and difficult to see through is this
- Something still remaining is this
- Something unable to move or make progress is this
- Targets of election ads who may back any party
- This shows one’s charge for calls, texts, and data usage
- To haul out of bed
- To stroke lovingly or intimately
- To tell or inform someone; to fill someone in on
- US multistate lottery game
V2 :