- V1 :
- Coffee cup
- Most easily cracked part of a phone
- Spot for a sweatband, maybe
- Strap support for an injured arm
- To make a ____ story short…
- What word can go after the following answers to form brand new words?
- What word can go after the following words to form brand new words?
- _______ Banderas, Spanish actor known for playing Zorro and voicing Puss in Boots in the Shrek series
- _______ Rock, the second film by Elvis after Love Me Tender
- A type of trip that you might need to submit expense reports for
- American ______ is a 2014 US war drama starring Bradley Cooper as Chris Kyle
- Amount of money that an item costs
- Animal recently born from an egg
- Another term for a doctor
- Bob the Builder wears a yellow _______ on his head
- Compartments in clothes for holding small objects
- Condition that puts one in a favorable position
- Connected to the Internet
- Consisting of many intricate parts; opposite of simple
- Covert operations to acquire secret information
- Group of proteins found in starch; people with celiac disease are intolerant to this
- Hold this to support yourself when walking up or down stairs
- ICU stands for _________ Care Unit
- Large ring that is spun around the hips for exercise
- Member of the Dora Milaje that Danai Gurira played in Black Panther
- Mount Everest and Mount Fuji are both this
- Reaching in deep to find something; excavating
- Refusal of an offer or proposal
- This instrument will let you know whether you’re facing North, East, South, or West
- To bounce light away without absorbing it; mirrors do this quite well
- To resume, or refrain from stopping, an activity
- Type of chair that can move back and forth
- Usually furry or hairy vertebrate that births living young and feeds them milk
- What is this device?
- What is this speaking skill?
- What is this type of bike called?
V2 :