- V1 :
- American rapper and co-founder of the group Public Enemy known for his ticking accessories
- Car competition with no turns
- Common potted greens found in one’s home
- Convenience store with a number name
- Convert languages wrongly
- Extremely enthusiastic; fervent; overly passionate
- Getting money through coercion
- Getting ready for an event
- Japanese electronics company known for the SL-1200 record player
- Not available; taken
- Place where one rests for a train or plane
- Returning something to its original state
- Shockingly; extremely bad
- Stories about the magical and mystical for children
- Stuck doing overtime in the office
- The super fast desert bird from Looney Tunes
- This part of your head that contains your knowledge about math and science
- Type of fix-it shop a cobbler works at
- Whose is this avian author?
- A compartment of a ship where water is turned into steam
- A difficult situation, informally
- A difficult time in life or a relationship
- An arrestable offense is this
- Arranges incorrectly
- Broadcasting intervals
- Clapped hands for a performance
- Dining spot reserved for children
- First substitute on a basketball bench
- One that can’t be defeated is this
- One who does not know when their next meal will come from lives ____ __ _____
- Place where a community of nuns lives
- Said something aloud while an assistant recorded it
- Searched for food
- Service people whose job is to wait on customers
- Sharing a ride
- Something not entirely wrong is this
- To log into a system again
V2 :