- V1 :
- Accesses, as in with a key
- Combined, particular resources
- Common salt compound found in pesticides, copper _______
- Movie about a labrador dog and his owners, “Marley ___ __”
- Name of the most notable fallen angel according to the Bible
- Producer; creator
- Skinnier than before
- Soaked, filled with, immersed
- Term the French used to call the Dominicans
- The Blue Marble is a photo of this celestial body
- The three monkeys speak, see, and hear this
- To lure in with promises of reward
- What type of food is this?
- A common base for baked products
- A congested nose is this
- A disease that can be completely removed is this
- A liquid made stronger by removing water is this
- A way of living without relying on any public utilities or services
- Annuls a law
- Bert from Sesame Street has this facial feature
- Controls a crowd by dispersing an irritant in the air
- Covered wood with a finishing layer of liquid resin again
- Delivery entrances
- Descriptive text below an image shared on social media
- Discharging a gun
- Like Dante Hicks in the 1994 Kevin Smith movie
- May happen to your insurance if you get into an accident
- Monsters like Shrek and his family
- One deliberately treating a serious issue with humor is this
- One’s capacity to keep in mind and recall a number of items
- Person who makes lots of unwanted demands of peoples’ time
- Public toilets for males
- Setting the speed for a foot race
- Someone who is quick to recover from adversity is this
- Something one can’t be certain of is this
- Something that is like a gift from above is this
- This should be kept down to avoid frustrating neighbors
- Time off in a school day
- To drill with questions
- To have no doubts
- Treats with fondness
- Word elements pronounced as separate sounds
V2 :