- V1 :
- American as Apple Pie and “Bee in One’s Bonnet” for example
- An image that you see in your mind’s eye
- Canadian stadium that was renamed to Rogers Centre in 2005
- Cartographer’s main work
- Chewing gum brand that has “Fire” and “Ice” on their product list
- Conducts the case of someone being accused in a court of law
- Dr. ______ Brown is a fictional character from “Back To The Future”
- How Leonidas kicked the Messenger in “300”
- In a seated position
- The 2016 film about an interracial couple whose marriage prompted a Supreme Court case
- The professional soccer team from Naples, Campania
- To act like someone on the silver screen
- What is the name of this ship?
- A sealable glass container for keeping plants or small animals
- A substance that increases the activity of the central nervous system
- A type of product applied to skin following hair removal
- Chickens that are allowed to wander around are this
- Cuts into small pieces
- Firm part of the earth’s surface
- Had a powerful effect on someone or something
- Hiding something in a secure place
- In an offensively crude manner
- Loud device used to warn ships of a certain weather condition
- Sets of integrated computer devices
- SI units of pressure
- Slightly raised plots of ground prepared for planting
- Tears away
- To remove dirt with water
- When a package is delivered, they may leave it here
V2 :