- V1 :
- If you did this to the line, they might never forgive you
- Imposed a tax or fine
- Last name of US writer who went by “Waldo”
- Light rain
- Lockable thief deterrents
- Respected someone highly
- Skim milk is characterized as having __ ___
- To occur
- Walter White’s choice of poison
- What kind of printers are these?
- You don’t want to be left like this
- ___ __ ___ ____ is the termination point of a railroad
- A formal equivalent of Yes
- A tool one can use to cultivate soil and remove weeds in their yard
- Amount of crude located in a particular economic region
- An amount of food that can fit in one’s stomach
- Completes a task
- Contains as its part
- Customers with few items can pay at these
- Deviations from what is normal or typical
- Disk-shaped alien spaceship
- Furniture item big enough for two people to sleep in
- Great thinkers with great ideas, though often evil
- Hip-hop street entertainers
- Human figures drawn in thin lines
- Ideal state of happiness for all people on Earth
- In Harry Potter, a prison guard at Azkaban
- In the Bible, Jeremiah and Isaiah were these
- Letters demanding money for hostages
- One who signs a document to assert it’s true
- Person who breaks the law
- Readings of this apparatus are transmitted via radio
- Scrabble and Monopoly are examples of this
- Something that’s likely to happen is __ __ ________
- Stopped oneself from doing something
- This city is home to the first public university in North Carolina
- Tidied up a beard
- To manage to succeed somehow
- To take something, e.g. a machine, apart
- To verify
- Very unpleasant smells
V2 :