- V1 :
- Capital of Canada
- Catch a break
- Gave freely
- George ______ was an American comedian who hosted the first episode of SNL
- Ice skaters need to be cautious of ankle _______
- Request from a big, bad wolf to a trio of pigs
- Saying something without intending for it be taken seriously
- The ninth month of the Islamic calendar observed by fasting and prayer
- To make less threatening
- What is the function of this?
- What nutrient is this rich in?
- A post-it in your head
- Bests, in a cowboy duel
- Cast someone out as a punishment
- Countertops are sometimes made of this material
- Dentist, at times
- Free, as in a seat
- Involves; requires
- Laid in the sun
- Like leopards, lions, and panthers
- Organized the pool balls in preparation to start a game
- Picklers’ solutions
- Places to mark appointments
- Preceded in time period
- Regular doctor visits
- Santa’s toy making site
- Silly behavior resembling a child’s is this
- Something good for making wire is this
- Subordinating conjunction that doesn’t always need a comma
- Super Mario enemy that looks like a squid
- Survive elimination in a contest
- To breakdown due to excessive work
- To rain very lightly
- Twenty-ones, in a casino
- Unoccupied area
V2 :