- V1 :
- Addresses on the internet
- Engage in bloody conflict
- Fooled or conned
- Having planted and harvested something
- Impactful basketball scores
- It ____’_ __, it was the one-armed man!
- Speech impediments that cause “th” to sound like “z”
- The exhaust for a vehicle that keeps it quiet
- The starting area in disc golf is called this
- This big a risk will either ____ __ break us
- What animal is carrying the message?
- A cheetah and peregrine falcon are this
- A lack of good sense
- African shark with an aggressive nature
- Airplane’s garage
- Cautioned against
- Coins of low value
- Competitor who’s not at all graceful
- Do this during a staring contest
- Do this on Arbor Day
- Drained of vitality and energy
- Equipment a DJ uses to play a vinyl
- Insult disguised as a compliment is this
- Like the Krusty Krab
- Mathematical variables
- Mugger’s action
- One who copes by excessive snacking
- People who’ve been framed, in a way
- Person who predicts outcomes
- Pioneers or introduces new ideas
- Pleased
- Prepares to declassify
- Prime example of something
- Refers to a big audience
- Shopping destination that sounds risqué
- Something that goes beyond what is reasonable is this
- Something to build on
- Taken away in handcuffs
- The time to tie the knot
- To yield or acquiesce
V2 :