- V1 :
- A basic emoji that represents a happy person
- A person who is known to tell tales and fables
- Casual jacket worn without matching pants
- First actor to bring Spiderman to the big screen
- In economics, these are steep declines in market activity
- Object that is squeezed to relieve tension
- Person who steers a one-wheeled vehicle
- Spy’s video recorder
- The film that won the Academy Award for Best Picture in 1996
- The first US president to live in the White House
- The King of Cool, this US singer released “Volare” in 1958
- To be able and knowledgeable to complete a particular job
- What is this pet breed called?
- What is this transportation tool?
- Woodwind instruments that Squidward plays
- An informal phrase meaning Wouldn’t think so
- Metaphor for one feeling sidelined and unimportant
- Official corporate stock imprint
- One annoyed by not getting what they want is this
- Popular conifers which grow cones
- Publication that ruins someone’s reputation
- Tasted by passing the tongue over
- Type of media in democratic countries
- US furniture brand that sounds like one who is unwilling to work
- What are these parade features?
- What do these signs indicate?
- What is this thing that a show might do if the writers run out of ideas?
V2 :