- V1 :
- A child of a mortal and the divine
- Central Pacific region including Samoa and Hawaii
- Hot, molten rock
- The second largest of the Hawaiian Islands
- Thousands of these make up an archipelago on the Canadian–USA border
- Which came first, the _______ or the egg?
- Which Disney film contains the following answers?
- Which Disney film contains the following words?
- A person that doesn’t think about danger or consequences is this
- A quarter divided by a nickel is equal to this
- A rival who you are otherwise friendly with
- Birth state of four of the first five US presidents
- Deceptive appearances
- Decides on a disputed matter
- Deep conversation between friends
- Done with the greatest possible effort
- Freedom from the control or influence of others
- In American football, a ___- ______ warning occurs when there’s that much time left in each half
- In literature, a brief and indirect reference
- Individuals who help out with domestic repairs
- Knight Rider actor David __________’s autobiography is titled Making Waves
- Late charges
- Looked like
- Losing something by putting it in the wrong spot
- Mike Tyson had 22 of these kind of knockouts
- Outfit without anything hanging around the neck
- Roman dictator who had relations with Cleopatra
- So; consequently
- The climax of a play in the classic structure used for narrative fiction
- The first part of a play
- Type of question that doesn’t need an answer
- What a person does if tapped in Freeze Tag
- What is this phrase that might start an advice column?
- What is word for something predicted?
- You might get this request from a tired child
V2 :