- V1 :
- Appear before a House committee
- Bleach, for example
- Considers identical
- Former first family
- I ___ him about never playing Ping-Pong with me …
- It will stand out in a small pond
- Less lean, as meats
- Like Marilyn Monroe’s voice
- Like some summer Olympic events
- Live together
- Online destination
- Rids of mustiness
- Running a temperature
- Tacit rules of male friendship
- A feeling of dread or apprehension is this
- Constitution
- Deviating off-course
- Driving need
- Evoked sexual feelings in someone
- Fire retardant chemical
- In a senseless way
- King, maybe
- Maximum, slangily
- Ones refusing transportation?
- Putting up with
- To develop a fault
- Type of intolerance that requires limiting dairy consumption
- With an insinuating tone
V2 :