- V1 :
- 9-volt, e.g.
- A citizen of Jerusalem
- Bevel
- Empty _______ make the loudest noise
- Gate
- Let these past grievances be themselves
- Lowered
- Personal cleanliness
- Shows some leniency, finally
- Silliness
- Straw hats
- Strident blasters
- Tidewater
- When a zookeeper makes the rounds with a bucket
- Young Clark Kent, e.g.
- A ghostwriter isn’t given one
- Abrupt discussion ender
- Break
- Checkout option
- Cutting the center from
- Graft
- Heavy-duty hauler
- Jerry Mathers role
- Off-campus local
- Striker, often
- To determine the sum of, informally
- Treated icy roads
- Western versions of this mythological beast have wings, whereas Eastern ones don’t
V2 :