- V1 :
- A style of sunglasses made famous by “Top Gun”
- Being the only one of its kind
- Birds have these coverings to facilitate #6 and provide warmth
- Everyone thought there would be ______ cars be now
- Everyone thought there would be ______ cars by now
- More difficult than beginner and intermediate levels
- #8 ______ & Dragons was an updated version of the original release
- The United States was originally formed from this number of British #1
- This cold, falling object is said to be completely #4
- Typical ant ______ have a queen and thousands of workers
- What is this often seen route for pedestrians?
- ______ Light starred in the comedy-drama series Transparent
- At a traffic stop, only go when you see this
- Entices, like a siren with her singing
- In the UK, cars drive on this part of the road
- Is about to take place
- Like a wunderkind
- Located over something
- Making an arrangement or reservation
- Peter Pan’s archenemy
- Pulling a vehicle along
- Putting something in the ground and covering it
- Talent or skill to do something
- The one who takes it all, according to ABBA
- To move up and down irregularly
- What is this work-saving, but potentially problem-creating act?
- What kind of planning session is this?
V2 :