- V1 :
- ___ ___ Chili Peppers, American rock band with hit song “Scar Tissue”
- A sleeping bag used by cowboys
- Jack Russell, Boston, Bull, Scottish, are all types of this
- Requesting an answer
- Shakespeare’s “Scottish play”
- Somewhat macabre word guessing game
- Track and field event involving throwing heavy iron balls
- Type of bird that catches the worm
- An __-____ doctor is one available at short notice
- Bordered region in a country like Canada
- Dress type that shows off shoulders
- Human being enhanced with some machine parts
- In hockey, means of deciding a tied match
- Like a person who isn’t very confident
- Like a speech that rang true within you
- Like Cain, of Abel
- Looks at something closely to find faults
- Not present when a teacher calls your name
- On a packed bus, people get into this space of each other
- Receding of one’s hair
- This shrimp species can snap its claws loudly
- To bear the consequences of one’s wrongdoing, poetically
- To completely avoid
- To drive with no one else in the car
- What kind of self-restrictive act is this?
- World-famous limestone statue in Giza
V2 :