- V1 :
- Capital of Taiwan where Yangmingshan National Park can be found
- Decryption of this German communication device aided the Allies in WW2
- Distinctively Jamaican music genre
- Pedals used in a car to slow down or stop
- The real name of Gollum from the Lord of the Rings series
- To be forcefully removed from a location
- Tree-climbing animal native to Australia
- What is this pastry treat?
- A game of bowling consists of ten of these
- A person who doesn’t stop no matter what is this
- Banks issue them
- Beethoven’s Bagatelle No. 25, also known as Für ____ is one of Beethoven’s most famous compositions
- Dr. Emmett Brown or Dr. Frankenstein is this
- Finger for wagging
- Flower pieces scattered on the floor on Valentine’s Day
- For a Sudoku puzzle to be solved, it must have at least this number of numbers given
- Gas station worker
- Golfer for whom a cocktail was named
- Have a solid understanding of something
- Heavenly name for Los Angeles
- Let someone use a property in exchange for money
- Might leave you shaken up during a flight
- NBC Rachel who co-anchors with Brian Williams
- Prince Harry’s marriage ceremony for example
- Reaction from a sore loser
- Result of a hung jury, often
- Shared into parts
- Something said or done without thinking
- Stan wrote many of these in the tragic Eminem song
- Sudsy school fundraisers
- There’s nothing new _____ ___ ___ is a phrase adapted from the Book of Ecclesiastes
- To sell things in bulk
- What is this protection plan you get with an iPhone called?
V2 :