- V1 :
- An alternative method of getting takeout that doesn’t require one to go to the store
- Before a letter is ready for #12, you may need to paste some of these on the envelope
- #4 are most commonly associated with these ancient animals
- One of the world’s bestselling peanut butter brands with the tagline “_______! Yippee!”
- One who breaks into the house for theft
- Paleontology is the study of these remains
- Place where animal hides are dyed or colored
- The main character of the 1967 Australian TV show named “#6” was this iconic animal
- The product of a #8
- Type of system designed to deter a #2
- What is this skillful form of competitive horse riding?
- What light-up display does this represent?
- What type of flowers are these?
- Began prematurely
- Closest to the ground
- Commentary after a great stop by the goalie
- Emphasizing a part in a speech or writing
- Employee who handles press conferences
- Extracting liquid from a cow
- Follows a cause
- Hip hop slang for jewelry
- John _____ is a machinery manufacturer with a green and yellow logo
- Measure angles using this tool
- NASA program for aspiring explorers
- NFL commissioner since 2006
- Parts that often get bent in car accidents
- Something one does when they get good news
- To cause injury to someone
- To plan or sketch out
- To withdraw something from military use
- Type of burger for people who don’t eat meat
- What kind of extremely talented athlete is this?
V2 :