- V1 :
- Kept going
- Like a toad’s skin
- Like the “Gangnam Style” video
- Oafs
- Passage a bride walks down
- Poe’s middle name
- Squinter’s eyes
- Super muscular
- Take the wrong way?
- Throw water on
- To allow someone to enter your home
- To frame someone with a crime
- Void
- A competitive event for drivers of heavy motor vehicles
- Bad-mouthed
- Drank quickly
- Engages in the business of buying and selling goods
- Foot part
- Forsooth
- Overthrow
- Phrases or expressions that have figurative meaning
- Rubbing lightly with a cloth or towel
- Smack
- Some military maneuvers
- Sudan’s ___ Desert
- Take back
- To give the ability to another to do something
- Use mouthwash
V2 :