- V1 :
- ___ ___ Chili Peppers, American rock band with hit song “Scar Tissue”
- A sleeping bag used by cowboys
- Jack Russell, Boston, Bull, Scottish, are all types of this
- King from #4
- Requesting an answer
- Shakespeare’s “Scottish play”
- Show up before others
- Somewhat macabre word guessing game
- The #10 bird gets ___ ____
- Track and field event involving throwing heavy iron balls
- When put after #1, the value someone’s willing to sell at
- Algae that grows on a tree
- Brian and Stewie are fictional characters from this show
- Candy on a stick
- Didn’t use the trash can
- Footwear with a tree logo
- Forecasts written from the stars
- Greatly horrifying
- Grown-up conversation between dad and son
- Holiday for commemorating those who died in military service
- Kitchenware brand for storage containers
- On rare occasions
- Permanent citizen of a location
- Person who does more with less
- Taking part in an election
- The pursuit of this is an unalienable right in the US constitution
- What are these outrageous events?
- What is this business channel?
V2 :