- V1 :
- Benjamin Franklin may have jokingly suggested the turkey, but in the end, this is the national bird of the US
- Gesture of a form of greeting or contract clincher
- Leisure time away from work
- Teacher at a university and college
- This classic British meal features seafood and fries
- To extort money or favors by using threats
- Unfortunate incidents that happen unexpectedly
- What are these parts on the back of a car?
- What is this natural way to get a tan?
- A person with this can’t help blabbing about secrets
- A scientific procedure for testing or proving an idea
- A witch may use one of these to fly
- African language spoken in countries such as Kenya, Tanzania, and Rwanda
- An __________ speech is given by someone receiving an award
- Coin-operated public music player
- Freddy Krueger causes these dreams
- One plays the piano using these digits
- The singer pictured is the lead singer of the ________ Stones
- To speed up a recording, usually to skip the commercials
- Unintentional failure to notice something
- What is this illusionary act?
- What is this style of tournament?
- What kind of spiky rodent is this?
V2 :