- V1 :
- It comes before the fall
- Jack-in-the-___
- Legal offense
- Selfish desire
- To feel jealous of
- Which Brad Pitt movie do these hint to?
- Wrath; fury
- Deeply worried about something
- Denies a claim and asserts the opposite
- In music, to play a score in a higher octave than the original
- Phrase used when you find someone you’ve been looking everywhere for
- Refers to someone whose risk is so high that they are not eligible for cover
- The area inside the airport where you collect your luggage after landing
- The organization created by Julian Assange that publishes classified information
- This award winning actress married Adam Shulman in 2012
- This phrase means in a group or with each other
- To move to a lower gear while driving
- What kind of social event is this?
V2 :