- V1 :
- A picture taken by a camera
- Boxers and other fighters train by striking this stuffed cylindrical container
- Fairy tale heroine with an evil stepmother
- Famed Italian sculptor responsible for “David” and painting the Sistine Chapel
- Goldilocks and the _____ _____ is a fairy tale featuring porridge that is too hot, too cold, and just right!
- Household device that emits a loud sound in the event of a fire
- This actor won his first Oscar for the movie “The ________”
- ______ Donuts is an American coffee and doughnut company
- Activated, in a computing sense
- Chance for a win on the court
- Explosive made from nitroglycerin
- Expresses contempt at something
- Leaps up high
- Many Woodstock attendees
- Michelle Obama and Laura Bush were these
- Might be found in the sofa
- Nickname given to Theodore Roosevelt’s cavalry
- Sword fighting as a sport
- This sudden attack that happens when one is intensely anxious or afraid
- To make something seem less important that was it is
V2 :