- V1 :
- ____ __ Panda; DreamWorks cartoon series featuring Jack Black
- December holiday
- Decorative object placed on #7 trees
- Lots of green foods are these, for short
- This kind of diet might avoid wheats and grains and focus more on meats and #5
- Using a #1 for dental hygiene
- What vegetables are supposedly this animal’s favorite?
- Yoyo part
- A pair of deuces beats it
- Act of destroying property
- Aquarium bed material
- Chemical compound that emits light when exposed to another light
- Ends a relationship
- Exchange old for new
- First chess-playing computer to beat a world champion
- Harry Potter’s friend who time-traveled in the third book
- Home buzzers
- How Buddhists strive to live
- In the Star Wars franchise, a person training to become a Jedi
- Instinct
- Israel, Jordan, and Turkey are in this region
- Lisa Kudrow’s character in Friends
- Noisy gardening tool
- Ornamented staffs held by kings
- Showed no emotional investment or attachment
- Someone who was born with a silver spoon in their mouth is this
- Style of beard worn by Uncle Sam
- The type of bone that the ear is made of
- To break into a place in order to gain secret information
- Transports used by kids who haven’t learned how to balance yet
- Underground economy used for the trading of illegal products
- What is this mental slip?
- What is this way to show off?
V2 :