- V1 :
- A male friend with special duties at a wedding
- A particle with a #2 charge
- Cold-blooded animals like snakes, lizards, and crocodiles
- Every Breath You Take was the biggest song from ___ ____
- Like a pessimist; exposed film
- #7’s 1978 lead single from their “Outlandos d’Amour” album
- Type of party often organized by a man’s #4
- What are these regular tenants of some college dorm kitchens?
- What is this profession?
- Airport relaxation spot
- Basic arithmetic operations are comprised of ____, subtraction, multiplication, and division
- Holder of books, plants, and whatever you just picked up off the floor
- In dining terms, another word for tip
- Moving stairs that are often found in large malls
- Opposite of war
- Pedicure-part massage
- Popular game engine developed by Epic Games
- Pythons, cobras, and anacondas are this type of animal
- The root of all awesome big-screen TVs
- To eat dinner in a restaurant
- To push down upon
- Usually nine A.M.
- What is he asking for?
V2 :