- V1 :
- _______ law governs the use of the sea
- A whale or other cetacean’s equivalent to a nostril
- Electronic confirmation of your booking on a flight
- Game similar to baseball but with a larger ball pitched underhand
- Harry ______, a legendary escape artist and illusionist
- Minty lozenge for clearing a scratchy throat
- Mythical winged horse
- Series of black lines that can be scanned to get product information
- Skateboard with two wheels and a handlebar
- What is this collection of bones?
- What is this disrespectful attitude?
- What sanctified liquid does this represent?
- An explosion associated with sunspots that causes a magnetic disturbance to the earth
- An insect known to eat the excrement of other animals
- Came out of something
- Cooling down period for naughty children
- Currency that, ironically, contain nickel
- Kerry Washington’s character on Scandal
- Men’s apparel for a formal occasion or party
- Musical, The _______ of the Opera
- No pain __ ____ is an exercise motto
- Retain respect; avoid humiliation
- Search engine founded by Jerry Yang and David Filo
- Small bit of hair found below a man’s lower lip
- Suicide _____ is a superhero movie based on DC Comics
- The ability to endure pain; synonymous with endurance and stamina
- To give an address
- Tyra Banks, Naomi Campbell, and Gigi Hadid are these
- What kind of phone number is this?
- What quality does this test for?
- When you arrive somewhere bearing nothing
V2 :