- V1 :
- [Amend] A boutique, for example
- [Amend] Bad, as a loser
- [Amend] Inedible apple part
- [Amend] To take by direct assault
- [Morph] Remove #1’s “soda” to get “an oil and syrup source”
- Picture of level 280
- 2006 song by Amy Winehouse that is semi-autobiographical
- A column in the human body made up of 33 bones
- A professional who studies various aspects of the Earth
- Actor starred as Lt. Tom Iceman Kazansky in the 1986 film Top Gun
- American restaurant chain that celebrates everyone’s favorite weekday
- Classes in school on a particular subject
- Cyber _______ are attempts by hackers to destroy a computer network
- Extremely large in magnitude
- Humidifier output
- Independent photographers who aggressively take pictures of celebrities
- Lines that pass through the centers of circles and touch the circumferences
- Ring the bell to open it, maybe
- Said upon the conclusion of a police investigation
- The actor who starred as Sheldon on The Big Bang Theory
- The large intestine
- The Silverado is one of the truck models of this US car brand
- To clean something with a substance to remove bacteria and germs
- Used to hook ocean animals
- What is this US sports channel?
V2 :