- V1 :
- Brought to an end
- Jenny Lee Lindberg was a bass guitarist in this band
- One who turns his back on his tribe
- People who have the authority to act on behalf of others
- Protection for a political refugee
- Reference to a written piece of work
- Vision that’s not clear is this
- Where playwrights present their work
- You might need this when you have a puncture
- A stutter and a lisp are examples of this
- Able to be unpermitted
- Ancient writings on pyramids
- Chair on wheels for children
- Extra administration of a vaccine after an earlier one
- Fashion footwear that covers the entire lower leg
- Flattered someone until they got uncomfortable
- Highest points
- People with irrational fears of beasts
- Person who guards a country’s boundary region
- Removed linen from a wound
- Structures separate from a main house covering a toilet
- Wrestler who won a fight with no cuts and bruises is this
V2 :