- V1 :
- Bird that hunts fish under the sea
- Cone cloth used at airports to show the direction of the breeze
- Giving out set amounts to a crowd, say
- Looked at someone longer than they looked at you
- People from the right side of a map
- Placing the rear view mirror in the perfect position, say
- Player who shows his opponent the pass he’s about to make
- Something from the hottest places on earth
- Spirit made from bread
- Three dimensional triangle
- To dilute
- Vessel carrying sea patrollers
- Area with little tax for economic activity
- Equitable exchange
- Female fish that lays eggs
- Gemstone known as the supreme nurturer
- People who experiment
- Period when you can eat anything you want during a diet
- Radio frequencies
- Single string of hair
- Unwavering
- Way of purchasing, then paying later
- Works quickly
V2 :