- V1 :
- A tastefully arranged and decorated bunch of flowers
- Brand of tortilla chips with a Cool Ranch variety
- Decorative garment worn under a shirt collar, mostly in business settings
- Number or percentage that is the greatest within a group
- The step that comes after you chew food
- To successfully reach a goal
- What is this large room?
- What is this spy-related term?
- What protective gear are they not wearing?
- When a boat has overturned in water
- ______ Morgan is a country singer known for What Part of No and Five Minutes
- A feeding _____ is a wild rush of eaters to food
- A group of people sharing a living area, responsibilities, and food
- A phrase indicating departure; I should really ___ ___ ____, it’s a long drive
- A published collection of writings or poems
- In genetics, when DNA or a cell undergoes a change
- Japanese multimedia artist, singer, and peace activist; widow of John Lennon
- Most vehicles have at least two of these for entering and exiting
- Neck injury that commonly occurs in car accidents
- One who leaves their home country to live elsewhere
- Provided with the food necessary for growth and health
- Steadfast in refusal
- The _____ ____ is a 1999 Tom Hanks film about a unusual death row inmate
- This is India’s largest city, financial center, and home of Bollywood
- To check somebody for illegal possessions
- To have a sudden understanding of something
- What kind of easy target is this?
V2 :