- V1 :
- [Amend] An invader or marauder
- [Amend] Automated machine
- [Amend] Dark mark
- [Amend] Fail badly on a test
- [Amend] Marley of the reggae genre
- [Amend] Place for cars to hang out
- Picture of level 258
- [Relational] A grave place and Lara Croft’s occupation with #2
- A _____ point is an period when decisive change occurs
- A stylist or barber may also be called this
- Don’t bring these kinds of dogs around children or strangers, or you might end up in a lawsuit
- Every cloud has this silver feature
- IOU stands for this
- Pompous; conceited
- Potter’s less-friendly family member
- The ____ _____, presented by ABC, recognizes individual or team athletic achievements
- The physical ability to move quickly and easily
- This American actor plays the mysterious Man in Black and Westworld
- Throbbing discomfort of muscles or joints
- To claim or assert that a crime has been committed, usually without proof
- Turns inside-out or upside-down
- Uninteresting; boring; humdrum
- What is this tool?
- What kind of exercise is this?
V2 :