- V1 :
- Fellow countryman
- Giant, balloon-like ride in the sky that is capable of being steered
- Judgment that isn’t based on logic is this
- Object rung to alert people of danger
- Object unable to lose its shape is this
- People who play the wailing instrument in church
- Remembered a fond memory
- Restaurant specializing in a bivalve mollusks menu
- Something done regularly and often is done in this manner
- To influence someone into a certain way of thinking
- To say that we’re in love is dangerous are lyrics from this song by The Weeknd
- You receive one after joining a labor consortium
- About to run out of
- Hands of Stone boxer Roberto
- Inhabitant of the Lone Star State
- Michael Rapaport starred as Dave Gold in The ___ __ Home
- To muddle of one thing with another
- Traditional Japanese sword that’s used as a knife
- Trickled slowly
- Vertical line on a system of coordinates
- Vessel that goes shore to shore
- Walked at a steady speed
- When all crime is legal for 12 hours
V2 :