- V1 :
- [Amend] Abode
- [Amend] A weapon
- [Amend] Computer break-in
- [Amend] Like some coffee
- [Amend] The way you came from
- [Anagram] Cereal holder?
- [Morph] Replace #6’s “shortage” with “close to the ground” to get what wind might do
- Picture of level 234
- [Relational] Main antagonist in the #1 franchise
- A payment required for passage on a freeway or road
- A police vehicle used for responding to incidents and chases
- A running bill at a drinking establishment
- An illegal transaction often carried out by mobsters
- Caused someone to be extremely surprised and upset
- Constructively finding faults with something or someone
- Cooking food in oil or some type of fat
- Describes something tempting that makes you want to do it or have it
- Extraordinary agility moves performed by gymnasts
- Handled a situation terribly
- Has to do with
- I know this ____ ___, but I have an explanation
- In hockey. when only the goaltender is in the way
- Jean Claude Van Damme starred as Scott Wheeler in this 2018 action drama
- Kareem _____ ______ is an NBA legend who played for the Bucks and the Lakers
- Living this way means one’s bank balance isn’t on an upward trend
- Operating at a profit
- The facility in the White House reserved for members of the media
- The hometown of the 32nd US President Franklin D. Roosevelt
- Think ________, act locally
- This music group consists of brothers Barry, Maurice, and Robin Gibbs
- This word describes the shape of a human body
- To be ______ is a phrase often seen with a cliffhanger
- To make a difference in someone or something
- TV host shown from the shoulders up
- What are these jewelries called?
- What kind of building is this?
- You may have to reset to these settings if your device stops working
V2 :