- V1 :
- [Amend] A mystery for Sherlock to solve
- [Amend] Batters would like to get on one
- [Amend] Garment
- [Amend] Time without conflict
- [Anagram] Walking pattern
- Picture of level 228
- [Relational] Low-pitched #1
- __________ Basterds is a 2009 war movie starring Brad Pitt and Christoph Waltz
- A relaxing journey, if not for all the work involved
- Actor who plays Tom Baker on Cheaper by the Dozen
- An old-fashioned British term for sitting room
- Champion MMA fighter, Conor The Notorious ________
- Clothing fitted to the buyer
- Headgear to help with bad eyesight
- Impacts; makes an impression on
- In many religious beliefs, the place where gods, angels, and spirits reside
- Indian device used for smoking
- Measuring tool just shy of a meter
- Minute particles
- Phrase you might say when asked to do something while busy
- Pulls someone out of a tough situation
- Reverse psychology lullaby sung by Mary Poppins
- Secret agents or spies
- Securities issued by the US government
- Something that is a source of annoyance is this
- The bad guy in a piece of literature
- The number below the line in a fraction
- Total income minus the costs
- What are the ?s in relation to me?
- What is this occupation?
- Will get you an out
V2 :