- V1 :
- Annual Peace Prize with recipients such as Nelson Mandela and Martin Luther King, Jr.
- First letters of the following answers form a famous person from this country
- First letters of the following words form a famous person from this country
- Form a mental image of; a song by John Lennon
- Means of proving guilt in a court
- Mental powers
- Physics or chemistry, for example
- Selected candidate
- The Big Bang ______, US television sitcom
- What Monster and Red Bull provide
- ______ up is a phrase used similarly to cheers
- A brown-_____ is one who is excessively obedient and attentive to superiors
- Allegiance to something or someone
- American-style children’s apparel
- An expression of willingness to participate
- Austin Power’s punnily-named car
- Brandished, as in a weapon
- Fruits that when fully developed, often appear in the shower
- Glass container next to the cashier
- Long ____ ______ is the antagonist from the 1883 novel Treasure Island
- What archaeologists do to dinosaur bones
- What is this prayer aid?
- What kind of contest is this?
- Wintertime spike
V2 :