- V1 :
- A phrase said to return well wishes
- Bags for potatoes or flour
- Cooked with radiant heat
- Distinctive Jay Leno facial feature
- Energy from the sun’s rays
- Fails to catch in cricket
- Software community that manages the Firefox browser
- The last name of the actress who has six children with Brad Pitt
- The ‘V’ in ‘UV’
- Type of eyes that rattle around
- A job with a lot of overtime is this
- An episode of intense anxiety
- Bags with Praha tags
- Celebrants after commencement
- Cracking a code
- Irritated someone with verbal attacks
- Made the public aware of something
- Signing up for the military
- Someone who schemes to get their way
- Started something from the ground
- The minus sign in mathematics
- Took it a notch higher
V2 :