- V1 :
- ______ 13 (1995 movie starring Tom Hanks)
- African desert that is one of the largest in the world
- An elegant dance performed in pointe shoes
- Hypothetical perfect society
- Muscles between the knee and the foot
- Savory fungus that’s often dug out with the help of trained dogs or pigs
- Someone who draws or scribbles aimlessly
- What did this Disney character give up for the ability to walk on land?
- What is this piercing action?
- _______ L. Jackson has had enough off all these snakes on the plane!
- A _____ mark is often placed beside a correct answer
- A rapid chemical reaction that often causes a loud bang
- Area behind the house where gardening and barbecues take place
- Device that lets one listen to music privately
- Form of government coined in Greece that has direct and representative forms
- Of Hebrew origin
- Planet second from the sun
- Sega’s speedy blue hedgehog
- Smaller, often less serious, versions of newspapers
- Something that happens twice a year is this
- Stream of water that eventually runs into the ocean
- The Industrial Revolution began in the _________ century
- Theories involving Bigfoot, Area 51, the moon landing, and UFOs, for example
- This river runs through the city of Cairo
- What is this behavior associated with liquids?
- What is this fruit?
- What phrase for being overweight does the second figure represent?
- Winston _________ famously said, “If you are going through hell, keep going.”
V2 :