- V1 :
- A building block of proteins
- A sudden breaking; premature separation of the placenta from the uterus
- A verb that can take a direct object is this
- Giving rise to offspring
- Increased to unprecedented levels
- Makes a room resistant to the passage of noise
- More than enough; plentiful amount
- Rocks in space that are larger than dust but smaller than an asteroid
- Something formally authorized is done this way
- State of being forced to stay in a place which you cannot leave; imprisonment
- Wire used to deliver electricity to a device
- An outgoing politician in the final days of a term
- Crowd-pleasing jump shot in basketball
- Gave way to arguments, demands, or pressure
- Oliver Blume is the CEO of this German vehicle manufacturer
- Repeating from memory, sometimes in front of an audience
- Someone who is good at strategic games is this
- Something that nourishes and sustains
- South American fish with very sharp teeth
- To surround or fence in, as with lions at a zoo
- Using a stun gun
V2 :