- V1 :
- A snack one can chew on is this
- Declared a dead person a saint, in the Roman Catholic Church
- Devices used to pair pieces of equipment
- Extents or ranges of a quality, property, process, or phenomenon
- Forms a pattern of intersecting lines
- Interprets someone’s words or actions in a particular way
- Jokes used to start a conversation
- Prevents something from happening by acting fast
- Something of the best quality is ___ __ ___ ____
- Something situated beneath another is this
- The act or process of making something vigorous and full of life
- The fifth digit on one’s hand
- To disguise one’s true feelings or intentions
- A place that specializes in repairing the outer coverings of automobiles
- Ear-to-ear smiles
- Fourteen consecutive days
- One who cuts and dries grass for use as fodder
- Skulls, anatomically
- Someone __ ___ is adult and legally responsible for one’s actions
- Something not suitable or appropriate in the circumstances is this
- To discover or detect something like a dog
- To remain behind
V2 :