- V1 :
- A basic piloting indicator of how fast a craft is flying relative to the atmosphere
- An abstract idea or general notion
- An attractively small woman is this
- A nightmare that causes strong emotional responses
- Causes pain in someone
- Grieved with someone
- Leaves nervously exhausted
- Sees a professional to seek expert advice
- Takes on the role of deity
- To intentionally miss a lesson in school
- Degrees in a U-turn
- Educational institution before tertiary
- Formal requests usually supported by a list of signatures
- Freedoms
- One leaves these after sinking one’s teeth into something
- One’s true nature
- The time of one’s greatest success is, idiomatically, one’s ______ ____
- Thought deeply about something
- Two people who were made for each other
- Waters plants for growth
- Waver of a red cape in the arena
- Weighed down so that one’s movement is inhibited
V2 :