- V1 :
- Action asserting dominance
- Edibles stored at below-zero temperatures
- Electronic devices that grant subscribers access to TV channels
- Hits unexpectedly
- Images covering desktops or home screens
- On a coat of arms, the symbol that used to be passed down to the firstborn son
- Periods of unusually high temperatures outside
- The formal way to address a judge
- Traditional start of middle school
- Unease
- Unwritten reminders
- Victorious
- ______ Cowboys; professional NFL team in the US
- A musical performance by a solo artist
- Describes something occurring approximately once every 730 hours
- Distorted
- Part of the human body between the chest and the waist
- Preserved in a capped glass or plastic container
- Printing via telephone
- The third Zodiac sign represented by twins Castor and Pollux
- To run like a rodent in quick, excited movements
- Type of stockings with space between the threads
V2 :