- V1 :
- A computer program that translates code from one programming language into another
- A Facebook feature that allows one to see posts by others in their network
- Earnestly urges someone to do something
- Ecologically handles organic waste
- In tennis, balls that are hit before they touch the ground
- Put products up on the shelf
- Ready to be taken home, as in groceries
- To fade from memory or existence
- To hand out or distribute, like a vending machine
- To quickly gobble up
- Activity astronauts are known for
- Added a rough feel to the outside of a piece of art again, for example
- Bicep workouts
- Can be gone beyond
- Carb option offered at most Chinese restaurants
- Coming to the top of the sea, say
- Conclusively
- Expression meaning shut yer trap!
- Fusing two metal parts together using an electrical current
- Gave a return blow while blocking in a fight
- Going along with someone else to keep them out of trouble
- Instructions in a cookbook after ingredients are added to a bowl
- Invests one’s money into funds that are more different from each other, for example
- Knowing or have a good understanding of technology makes one tech-_____
- Nasty weather between rainy and snowy
- Neural transmitters
- Occurrence or social gathering
- People who don’t face their problems and try to distract themselves
- Satisfying
- Ski slope bump
- Someone who helps write a piece of music
- Steed ridden by a warrior
- Sugar and its alternatives
- They crash and break over and over
V2 :